BNM (Business NLP Model)
The Business NLP Model is based on insights mainly from Robert Dilts. It was developed within a project of section Business of the DVNLP (Deutscher Verband für Neuro-Linguistisches Programmieren e.V. - German Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming). I benefited since years from NLP-Tools. Many people did not notice that NLP is moving toward business world. To show these new aspects of NLP were my main reason to contribute the chapter "Business NLP Model". The book "Better with Business NLP" provides practical insights into potential managerial application.
Below you find an excerpt of the chapter "Business NLP Model" as a flipbook. The book, that is released by the DVNLP, can be ordered here. The BNM provides a three-dimensional grid, where NLP-application areas and business needs meet.
I invite all readers of the book, to write an evaluation at Amazon.
Open Flipbook and enjoy fullscreen!
Besser mit Business NLP, Hrsg. Manuela Brinkmann, ISBN-10: 3981395905 ISBN-13: 978-3981395907
(Only in German)