Although Paul Watzlawick already determined end of the sixties of the last century ‚One cannot not communicate’, communication still takes place without conscious designing of the communication aspects. The results do not deliver the desired effect because of awkward or even missing communication measures.
Optimize your communication. The following memecon procedures are available:

Communication is defined by function and form that is aligned to the target-group. The better the communication aspects content, organization, wording and attractiveness fit, the more understandable become the messages. Communications management needs a clear conception of the target-group, a communication plan and effective communication measures.
Communication support goes from perception improvement, over a more appropriate designing up to the publication and monitoring of the effects.
memecon covers communication in all phases of meaning design. The following procedures are available:
DocuReview examines your documents (e.g. presentations, brochures, manuals) based on the communication aspects content, organization, wording and attractiveness. The selected Documents are evaluated and improvements developed.
Communication Planning provides a format for the specification and improvement of communication measures in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. In a workshop based on communication needs communication measures are specified, scopes defined, effort estimated and responsibilities assigned.
Communication services improve the quality of your communication activities by using the introduced methods consciously. Afterwards, the results can be further used internally.
ComMeasure provides a format for the designing of communication measures in business enterprises, nonprofit organizations and public administration. The defined communication measures are designed and realized based on expectations and communication needs.